Geeta Nagarkar

Designation: Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.Arch | B.Arch

Experience: 8+ Years


Click Here – Curriculum Vitae

Ar. Geeta Girish Nagarkar, is presently working as Assistant Professor at Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture for Women, Pune. Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU). She has completed her masters in Environmental Architecture. She has guided around 25 Nos. of Graduate Level Dissertations/ thesis/ projects Till Date. She has keen interest in teaching and research projects. She has 8 years of professional experience and 10 years of academic experience

Environmental Architecture

SPPU, BNCA Research Center



Dr. B. N. College of Architecture, Pune

M.Arch Environmental Architecture


P.V.P. College of Architecture, Pune



Research & Publications


Inclusive India: Re: Pune

‘Action Plan for a proposed Urban Conservation Plan for Pune Historic City Core’

This project was done in collaborative studio part of Master of Environment Studio during December- March 2012, with by KKH, Royal Institute of Arts, Sweden and Dr. BN College of Architecture, Pune and The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)

“Revitalization of Nagzari Stream” –Project was selected for following:

  1. Exhibition was held by PMC, Dr. BNCA, Pune and Royal Institute of Arts, Sweden jointly at Raja Kelkar Museum, Pune in December 2012.
  2. Participated and presented proposal on ‘Rejuvenation of Nagzari nalla in Pune’ in Annual exhibition conducted by ‘The Royal Institute of Arts’ in Sweden.
  3. Book Publication -Inclusive India: Re: Pune- Pillar 3 –Revitalization of Nagzari Stream. Authors –Sharvey Dhonde, Geeta Nagarkar, Abhilasha Amarnani ISBN 978-81-920642-4-4

Date of Publication: 17.10.13


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Construction and Demolition Waste

Presented at IIT, Roorkee which was selected as best research paper in Twenty-eighth National Convention of Civil Engineers & National Seminar on “Role of Infrastructure for Sustainable Development”, during October 12-14, 2012. Authors- Vaishali Angal, Geeta Nagarkar, Kanchan Atnurkar

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Analysis of Chhari Dhand wetland and Banni Grassland, Bhuj, Gujrat and its impact on local Communities

Author: Ar. Geeta Nagarkar. Ar. Swati Kashyap

National conference by Pravara college of Architecture ‘Rural Architecture and Regional planning’ – ISBN NUMBER: 978-93-92774-00-3

Date of Publication: February 2022


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Effect of Orientation on the thermal comfort of Classroom- The study of college classroom, Pune, Maharashtra

Authors: Ar. Geeta Nagarkar, Dr.Parag Narkhede

Stochastic Modeling and Applications. UGC care approved journal ISSN: 0972-3641 Date of publication 10.2.22

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Analysis of Plastic Waste Management from social and environmental perspective: A case of Pune, India

Authors: Ar. Geeta Nagarkar1, Ar. Prachi Deshmukh2

Presented research work in International Conference ‘Sustainable Architecture-Humane Cities’, Bangalore.It was commented as very well researched work by session chair Ar. Vidya Srikanth-Director REVA University. Date of conference: 23.3.22

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