Dr. Vaishali Anagal

Designation: Associate Professor

Qualification: Ph.D | M.E ( T & CP) | B.Arch

Experience: 17 Years


Click Here –Curriculum Vitae

“The areas of expertise of Dr. Vaishali Anagal include housing, residential redevelopment, cluster redevelopment, contextual design, urban planning, adaptability, adaptive reuse, circular economy, building technology, quantitative methods of research etc. She has been focusing on contextual design response as a key thrust area in her forth year housing and urban design studios for past few years. She is keenly interested in guiding experimental type of research at undergraduate level. ”

Dr. Vaishali Anagal is an architect and urban planner. She is associated with BNCA for more than 17 years. She has worked in the capacity of B. Arch coordinator between 2013 and 2016 and has coordinated the activities of subject Building Technology between 2009 and 2016. Dr. Vaishali is coordinator of BNCA nodal center of IIRS, ISRO outreach program. She is currently working in the capacity of academic admin coordinator since 2016. She focused on hands-on workshops and site+industry visits as a teaching learning tools while teaching building technology. She is recipient of Best Teacher Award for the subject of Architectural Technology in 2016 by Maharashtra Association of Schools of Architecture. She has also received Best Paper Presentation Award in 2015 in the international conference in SriLanka organized by Ceylon Institute of Builders. She has published more than 15 research papers in national, international conferences and journals. Her PhD research dvelves into the factors affecting architecture of residential redevelopment and how do these factors shape the architecture of redevelopment projects. She received research grant by SPPU during 2014-2016 for her research project focusing on residential adaptability. She is currently working on Urban Studio Research Project (USRP) supported by Council of Architecture. The project won a national award as one of the top three projects among 16 shortlisted projects by COA. She has completed a research project titled ‘Industry Academia Collaboration for Sustainable Built Environment’ funded by the British Council in collaboration with Liverpool John Moores University UK, PCERF, Pune and Rohan Developers, Pune between 2023-2024. She is currently working on a two year long research project funded by UKIERI and SPARC n collaboration with Liverpool John Moores University UK, IIT, Bombay and PCERF, Pune.

For more details of the research projects please see:



Dr. B. N. College of Architecture, Pune. Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.

Ph.D : Residential Redevelopment


College of engineering, Pune

M.Tech : Town and Country Planning


Shivaji University, Kolhapur
